Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 6

We are in our sixth week of school and improving every day - both academically and behaviorally.  You will find any content changes in the sidebar along with this week's spelling words.

I sent home a calendar in your child's homework folder that assigns someone to snack duty every day.  Due to budget restraints, AOH is not able to provide two snacks anymore.  We will now only receive a snack in the afternoon.  Our lunch time is scheduled for 11:30 which puts four hours between breakfast and lunch - that is just too long for active, growing kindergarteners, in my opinion.  I wish I was able to afford to provide the snacks on my own, but unfortunately Publisher's Clearing House has not yet knocked on my door :)  If you are unable to bring in snack on your assigned day, please let me know so I can make other arrangements.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Snack needs to feed 20 children - my recommendations would be pretzels, goldfish, granola bars, fruit, popcorn, graham crackers, etc.  You can bring individually packaged items or items in bulk that can be divided up - we have no problem doing that.  If you have any questions, please send me an email or call me.

Progress reports will go home on Wednesday.  These reports are more simplified versions of our report cards.  Kindergarteners are assessed primarily on their personal/social developments and their work habits.  The report cards will be more detailed as far as academics go.

If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, please email me and let me know what you would be interested in doing.  We would be happy to have you read a book or just help during center time.  We also have opportunities available to assist during foreign language and PE.  It would be helpful to have at least a week's notice so that I can incorporate you into my lesson plans.

Congratulations to Jonathan Galloway, this week's Student of the Week.  Jonathan consistently displays a great attitude and works hard to achieve excellence in the classroom.  Jonathan will be bringing in things he likes to share with our class so we can learn more about him as well as give him an opportunity to "show-and-tell."

Looking forward to a great week!

Don't forget - NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY - Sept. 5th

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