Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week 37 - FINAL WEEK

We are in the final stretch!  We've had a couple of changes to our schedule, so please advise.  Tomorrow (Wednesday) will now be game day AND pajama day.  Your child may bring a game of their choice and come in their pajamas. 

Thursday is now FIELD DAY!!  The entire school will participate in field day at the Conway Recreation Center.  Please make sure your child is in uniform and wearing sneakers.  No slip on shoes - we prefer ones that tie.  We will have bag lunches available for all students unless they plan to bring their own bag lunch.

The weekly schedule is as follows:

Wednesday - Game Day & Pajama Day
Thursday - Field Day
Friday - End of Year Program & Last Day

Please join for the End of the Year program on Friday.  Refreshments will be served for parents and guests at 8:00 am with the program following at  8:30 am.  Students will be served breakfast in their classrooms beginning at 7:30 am.

Report cards and summer work packets will go home on FRIDAY.  If your child is not going to be here for any reason, please notify us so we can make sure these documents get home.

Congratulations to Casey Soisson!  He is this week's Student of the Week. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 36

I am out today with a yucky bug of some sort, but want to make sure I update everyone for this week.  Wednesday is GRADUATION!  Can you believe it?  It will take place in the Muli-Purpose Room beginning at 9:30.  There is a reception that will follow.  We hope to see everyone there.

There is NO HOMEWORK this week.  Instead, we will be sending home a summer packet next week full of great activities that will hopefully keep your child in the "school state of mind" and will further prepare him/her for 1st grade.

Don't forget that Monday, May 28th there is no school.  School is closed for the Memorial Day holiday.

We were so busy with DIBELS testing last week (everyone did AWESOME) that I never got around to posting to the blog, which means last week's Student of the Week went unrecognized.  Congratulations to Jamauri Davis for receiving that honor.  This week's Student of the Week is DerryIana Holmes.  She has done an amazing job in the classroom and works very hard academically.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 34

Please do not forget to turn in all permission slips and money for our field trip on Thursday.  Your child will not be able to join us if we don't have those items.  Also, those children that ended in their day on orange or red the days leading up to field trip day, must stay home.  Thank you to those parents who have volunteered their time to chaperone.  You can meet us at school by 9:15 am for our 9:30 am departure.

DIBELS UPDATE:  Our class will do DIBELS assessments on Wednesday, May 16th and Thursday, May 17th.  We had to switch days with Ms. Neuman's class to accommodate a conflict in her schedule.  Please make sure your child is rested and ready!

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers!  Because of you, our class is full of love and life that the children bring in with them every morning.  Thank you for all you do in making your child who they are!

Congratulations to Tyonna Butler, this week's Student of the Week.  Tyonna's dimpled smile brings warmth and fun to the classroom - she is a star in the making!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 33

Thank you so much for all of your contributions towards the spring festival.  We had such a great turnout and had such a wonderful time.  We could not have done it with out you!

DIBELS testing has been scheduled for Monday, May 14 and Tuesday, May 15.  Please make sure your child is fed a hearty breakfast and comes to school well rested.  We want to get the best we can out of each child so we can get the most accurate assessment of their progress.

Permission slips are going home this week for our field trip to Thompson Farms.  It has been made abundantly clear to the students that if they end their day on orange or red between now and the day of the field trip, they will be staying home.  Simple rules, such as staying in their seat, listening, raising their hand, etc. are expected to be followed as well as the more serious offenses.  Please encourage your child to be on their best behavior so that they are able to experience this fun opportunity.

The Conway Fire Department will be here tomorrow to speak with our students about Fire Safety/Careers. They are bringing their Safe House and the presentations will take place inside of the Safe House.  Our class is scheduled for 1:30 pm.  Talk about fire safety with your child tonight to prepare them for tomorrow's presentation and to reinforce the significance of this topic.

The Student of the Week this week is Mahala Storm.  Her kind and sweet demeanor is a constant ray of sunshine in our class.  Congratulations to her!!